We offer a personalised, hands-on service and stay actively involved to ensure your clip is prepared to maximise market competition to get you the best return.
The Service
Coggan Wool auction wool in every Sydney-Yennora wool selling centre. That's around 45 sales a year.
We lot up clips and sample bales and store them in our woolstores, whilst samples are sent to showfloor for buyers to view and AWTA for testing.
Coggan Wool then makes catalogues for sales.
We invoice buyers and ship wool to required mills and ports. Either Sydney or Melbourne and regional areas. Payment terms are Monday week after the woolsale.
Our Benefits
Shearing Benefits
Shearing stationery
Woolbooks, tally books
Classer’s Specification (download here)
Woolpacks and supplies at competitive prices
Free wool advance to cover shearing cost
Laserscan (micron) Testing
Send in side samples from Classed sheep and Rams to get a Micron test.
Or, put whole fleeces in bag and send in for micron test, we can make up lines to sell at auction with finer microns.
This service is used for Ram sales and refining wool growers woolclips by culling broader micron sheep.